Thursday, February 13, 2014

Christine and Carol at L'Auberge de I'Ill

My mom and I also went to Fancy Lunch.  In France.  Because we can.  It is only 90 minutes away.  A lovely drive (when it's not raining).  I found a new for me restaurant to try.  And they are all new for her.  The amuse bouche and dining room:
My main entree (I'm blanking on the meat, but it was delicious and over risotto, which I love--mom do you remember?  Leave in the comments if you do.  Danke er Merci.):
The wonderful lamb my mom ordered (which I wish I had ordered):
We also chose fromage (cheese) from the well stocked fromage cart.  I loved it all.  And tasted 5 options.  My mom tried a couple of them.  I was nice enough to share my choices with her.  (See, I really am nice to share French fromage.)  The large one in the middle was my favorite.  If I have to chose one.
The first mini desserts, which we each received our own (this is with the ipod not such a great photo):
The macaron was the best I have ever had.  I have had a lot.  Many times in France.  I'm not quite an expert, but I'm trying to be one.  I could eat them all if given the chance.

My mom's dessert, mousse:
I had the chocolate choice, gelato, brownie, and more gelato.  I'm sure you all are shocked.  Just shocked.


  1. Carol made the blog again! Looks like an interesting lunch. Finally carol was able to eat lunch in France. First the Pope and then lunch in France-all her vacation dreams came true!-Colleen

  2. You sure can eat dessert! Impressive!!
