Thursday, August 9, 2012

Christine at the Tour de France

When I was 5 or 6 I woke up early the day of my birthday.  My dad sent me downstairs to get milk for him from the other refrigerator.   When I got downstairs there was a pink Huffy bike.  It was amazing.  I sat on it and looked at it and was so excited.  And it ended up being for me.  The only bad part if you will, is that my birthday is in February.  So you can't actually ride your new bike then.

Also, when I was little, really up until 2011, I watched parts of the Tour de France.  I remember watching the riders climb up the hills (which are actually mountains).  I say 2011 because that is when I moved to Germany.  And I have no tv.  So I can't watch the Tour.  This year I did something about that.  I live in Europe.  So I decided to visit Paris to see the final stage of the Tour.  I thought about going to the mountains to watch, but you camp out, watch the riders go past and that's it.  So you see them for 5 minutes.  In Paris, the riders circle Champs-Élysées 8 times.

I travelled by train and arrived in Paris around 1230 CET.  Then I have to navigate the evil Paris Metro.  They made it hard for tourist.  I don't know why.  We did save them and all.   There are like 5 million lines and they all connect.  Or there are 16 lines with 301 stations.  I studied the map at the train station and got on the right train.  Then I figured I needed to transfer.  I decided to follow the guy with the British flag--cause the Brit was going to win today.  Wrong move.  He didn't get off when I thought we should.  So I got off at the next stop.   Then I studied the map again.  And decided that I needed the line to the Franklin D Roosevelt stop.  (This goes back to us saving them.)  And when I exited the metro I found the Tour de France route.  It was 1330 at this time.  I hadn't researched the tour so I had no idea when the race passed by.  I decided to get lunch.  I went to a corner cafe nearby and had a lovely sandwich and apricot tart dessert.  Then I went back to the course.  And waited.  And waited some more (note to self:  plan your adventures a little more).  Eventually, a parade of sponsors passed by.  Then I waited some more.  At 1700 the racers finally showed up.

And the riders move.  Fast.  Probably 35 mph.  At least.  Most streets in Germany in cities you can only go 30 mph.  And they really do ride in a pack.  Not running into each other.  It was an impressive sight to see up close.  And I was at the front of the barrier.  That's what happens when you stand patiently for 3 hours to see the race.  I saw the riders go up and then down 7 times.  Seeing the cars trailing with the extra bikes on top is also kinda neat.  On the 7th lap I left.  I figured I need to get back on the metro to get back to the train station.  I also had to stop for ice cream.  It was sunny and hot standing there.   Probably the hottest its been in Europe this year.  Or close.

I have a cool video that I am happy to send if you leave a note in the comments.  I tried posting it, but the German internet is not cooperating.



  1. we want the video

  2. Email me the video please. Thanks. Of course you had to get ice cream on the hottest day of the year!!

  3. I'd like the video too! How fun!

  4. Was the apricot tart delicious? Waht flavor ice cream did you have? love, mommy
