Saturday, June 16, 2012

Christine in Heidelburg, Germany

Germany is full of hiking trails.  German people love to be outdoors.  This is why there are so many festivals all summer.  They spend the winter inside trying not to freeze, and all spring/summer/fall outside at various festivals, know as fests.  But I'm getting away from my topic.  I traveled up to Heidelburg to go hiking last Sunday.  We took the regional train, which means it's a 1 1/2 hour ride.  The walk was around 12 kilometers (7.4 miles) and took about  4 hours.   Now, you may be thinking, Christine, that is way slow for you.  Yes, I agree.  But it was all uphill and rather steep at times.  Most of it anyway.  And I walked with 2 other girls, Erin and Tamara, who's legs are not as long as mine.  So we walked slower.  It was a great afternoon activity on a sunny Sunday.

Like a lot of Europe, there were some ruins.   The ruins in front of the tree were Roman ruins originally.  Then some monks built a monastery over them.  Yes, they repurpose in Europe.  There is also 2 Celtic rings from 400 bc in this area.  But I couldn't see them.  I think it would have to be winter to see them.  And someone pointing out where they think the rings are.  Just sayin'.
Also, the Nazi had a rally point there:
View from the bottom:
You can see the Heidelburg castle from the hike as well:
Blogger Note:  I forgot my camera and used my blackberry for these pictures.  So that's why you can't really see the castle.  I sucked for blogging this time.  I'm sure I'll visit Heidelburg again and take pictures of the castle then.  You can google Heidelburg Castle and see what it looks like if you're really interested now.


1 comment:

  1. Well, Christine few people have your long legs and speed/endurance for walking. Glad you didn't lose your friends, lol.
    The pictures weren't bad.
    Take care, love, mommy
