Sunday, April 15, 2012

Christine in München... Again

I visited München on 11 March.  This visit (as opposed to last winter when I went) I found the city center.  The bus driver was nice enough to drop us off.  That helped my navigation skills tremendously.  However, since I was visiting for St. Patrick's Day, I did not visit churches.  I visited beir (beer) halls.  Close enough.

Yes, I know that St. Patrick's Day is on 17 March.  However, I went to München because the city was holding its parade that Saturday.  And really, why not celebrate such a wonderful holiday multiple times?  I actually missed the parade.  I did, however, visit multiple beir halls.  The halls are infamous in Germany because Hitler went to them to gain supporters.  The first beir hall I visited was the Hofbrauhaus.

Inside the beer hall
Another beir hall:
German beir 


  1. I'll be really impressed if you drank the whole beer!

    1. I did drink that whole beir. And one at the other Beir house as well. I'm good like that. To be fair, I order the klein size and not the pint size.
